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Madeline McFeely

Madeline McFeely

Undergraduate Student, Nuclear Engineering
Minor: Spanish

What are you are studying/what you are interested in studying and/or researching while at Purdue? If you have done internships or other applicable experiences, feel free to include them here.

I am studying nuclear engineering here at Purdue and am interested in researching renewable and hybrid nuclear systems.

What made you want to join the Leading Women Toward Space Careers program?

Since seventh grade, I have dreamed of working for NASA and one day becoming an astronaut. The Leading Women Towards Space Careers program will allow me to explore different paths towards achieving these goals and learn from those who have experience in the field. This program will also connect me with other women who share similar passions.

What area would you like to work in after graduation? (What career path, interests, opportunities, etc., would you like to accomplish? What field are you interested in?)

After graduating, I hope to work in nuclear propulsion. I want to begin my career working on submarines or aircraft carriers and eventually transition to space applications. My dream is to one day work for NASA to create and implement nuclear propulsion on spacecraft to help in our journey to Mars. Then, I want to become an astronaut, eventually reaching Mars (though I would be elated to spend just five minutes in space!).