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Surabhi Bhadauria


Graduate Student, Astrodynamics and Space Applications
Minor: Autonomy and Control

What are you are studying/what you are interested in studying and/or researching while at Purdue? If you have done internships or other applicable experiences, feel free to include them here.

I am a Ph.D. candidate majoring in Astrodynamics and Space Applications. I am currently working on Cislunar Space Domain Awareness with focus on finding visibility of space objects in the cislunar region from the Earth-based, Moon-based and space-based sensors.

What made you want to join the Leading Women Toward Space Careers program?

Leading Women Toward Space Careers program will provide me with the necessary guidance which will help me navigate better in finding the right path for my career. By participating in this program, I will gain access to mentors who can share their experiences and provide suggestions, enabling me to overcome common challenges. Moreover, I will have the opportunity to connect with industry professionals, professors, and researchers in the field, opening doors to future prospects.

Additionally, this program will help me discover various resources for job applications and receive feedback from mentors on my current profile. Since I am currently in the final year of my Ph.D., these insights will be instrumental in enhancing my application package and identifying more relevant positions.

What area would you like to work in after graduation? (What career path, interests, opportunities, etc., would you like to accomplish? What field are you interested in?)

My aspiration is to make meaningful contributions to the ongoing research in the field of astrodynamics, pushing the boundaries of the current state-of-the-art. Furthermore, I have a strong passion for teaching and envision a faculty position that involves collaboration with industry or national labs, focusing on upcoming space initiatives. Ultimately, my goal is to apply my research expertise directly to real missions that are being launched, bridging the gap between theoretical advancements and practical applications.