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ISS is an interdisciplinary network of scholars, practitioners, and students from Purdue University, the United States, and around the world whose research, teaching, practice, or learning interests intersect with sports. The community is undergraduate student-centered, where faculty and staff guide the direction of the generator. Our members examine sports from various perspectives including not limited to history, culture, media, science, engineering, technology, economics, politics, race, class, and gender.

Faculty and staff whose work touch on sports and are interested in working with undergraduate students are invited to affiliate with ISS for a semester, an academic year, or on a multi-year basis. We welcome emerging and established scholars and practitioners whose research, teaching, and practice align with developing a robust undergraduate student connection.

Non-athlete and athlete students are also welcome in the ISS community. Students who participate in sports and want to study and interact with it as an intellectual endeavor will benefit from this community. Likewise, non-athletes whose curiosity about and passion for sports stimulate their thirst for intellectual endeavors will find a place in the ISS community. By taking courses at the intersection of sports and engaging in activities beyond the classroom, student-affiliates of ISS pursue sports-related research/creative inquiry.


How to Affiliate

Students can involve themselves with ISS in any one of three levels. Each level or tier is determined by the degree of commitment expected of student-affiliates. Students acquire affiliate status by completing an application. All John Martinson Honors College students (first-year through seniors) with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and an interest in the study of sports are eligible for membership.

Benefits of Affiliation

Depending on tier of affiliation, students who formally affiliate with ISS have unrestricted and often exclusive access to student-focused opportunities, which include workshops, field trips, priority registration for courses offered in partnership with ISS, and research/creative inquiry support through faculty-led mentorship of projects and grants.

Expectations of Affiliates and Tiers of Affiliation

Students may apply to be engaged with any Tier of Affiliation specified below. Prospective affiliates indicate their tier preference in their application. Once affiliated, Tier Affiliation is fluid and students may move between tiers after formally indicating their desire to move in or out of a tier to the director of the ISS Generator.

General Interest Affiliate

  • Attend at least one (1) ISS public or private event per semester

Benefits of the General Interest Affiliate Status

  • Invitation to participate in public and private workshops and presentations
  • Receipt of ISS e-newsletter with updates and information on ISS initiatives
  • Opportunities to contribute to an interdisciplinary, sports-centric community

All-Access Affiliate

  • Attend at least 1 ISS public or private event per semester
  • Complete a scholarly or creative project, either through an ISS-related 499 course or through a self-directed project

Benefits of the All-Access Affiliate Status

  • Support for Honors scholarly project requirement completion
  • Priority registration for ISS-related courses
  • Grant support for research or creative endeavors
  • Faculty research or creative inquiry mentorship of multi-semester projects
  • Study Away

Students in any Tier Affiliation can bolster their engagement with the ISS Generator through courses and other extra-curricular activities.

  • Enroll in classes from a menu of courses related to the ISS Generator, in the John Martinson Honors College and across the university. These are HONR courses, H-sections or graduate courses in departments, and independent studies offered by faculty affiliates of the ISS Generator.

  • Students can gain leadership opportunities through serving on planning committees for ISS Generator events. Types of events include speaker series and field trips.

Students Apply Here:


How to Affiliate

ISS welcomes Purdue and non-Purdue faculty, staff, and practitioners to join our interdisciplinary sports studies community. Please contact Dwaine Jengelley if you have an interest in becoming an affiliate or learning more about ISS.

Expectations of Affiliates

Affiliation for faculty and practitioners spans one semester or academic year, renewable each year. Affiliates will work with the Director of the ISS Generator to create an interdisciplinary community on sports research and teaching. Affiliates will assist the Director in developing a calendar of activities for ISS. Additionally, affiliates

  • Agree to meaningfully engage with John Martinson Honors College students through research, extracurricular activities, and teaching through H-sections in their departments, independent studies or HONR courses
  • Collaborate with the director to develop the Generator and build programming
  • Collaborate on external grant identification and grant proposals
  • Collaborate on proposals to participate in the John Martinson Honors College National Annual Research Challenge

Benefits of Affiliation

Formally affiliating with the ISS comes with various opportunities to advance your research or creative endeavors and networks.

  • Seed grants (up to $5,000) to support your research program that enables undergraduate participation
  • Support to bring collaborators to campus who support the mission of the ISS Generator
  • A network of scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds
  • An interdisciplinary, intellectual community at the intersection of sports
  • A community for collaboration on research or creative endeavors and grant applications
  • Teach an advanced course for upper-level students (capped at 15 students) that is centered on faculty research.