Dr. Lindsay Weinberg
Clinical Associate Professor & Director of the Tech Justice Lab

B.A. Binghamton University, Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz
Current Courses
- HONR 19901: Evolution of Ideas: Privacy
- HONR 299: Honors Mentors
- HONR 399: Surveillance and Society
- HONR 460: Technological Justice
Professional Website
Recent Publications
- Lindsay Weinberg, Smart University: Student Surveillance in the Digital Age (2024), https://www.press.jhu.edu/books/title/12902/smart-university.
- Lindsay Weinberg, “From Smart Cities to Wise Cities: Studying Abroad in Digital Urban Space,” Frontiers: International Journal of Study Abroad 34, no. 2 (2022): 11-26.
- Lindsay Weinberg, “Rethinking Fairness: An Interdisciplinary Survey of Critiques of Hegemonic ML Fairness Approaches,” Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 74 (2022): 75-109.
- Lindsay Weinberg, “Mental Health and the Self-Tracking Student,” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 7, no. 1 (2021): 1-27.
- Lindsay Weinberg, “Feminist Research Ethics and Student Privacy in the Age of AI,” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 6, no. 2 (2020): 1-10.
Awards and Honors
- College Team Excellence Award ($7,500), Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, Purdue University, 2023
- Outstanding Teaching Award, John Martinson Honors College, Purdue University, 2023
- Elevating the Visibility of Research: Seed Funding for Academic Books and Monographs Award ($10,000), Office of Research, Purdue University, 2023.
- Ross-Lynn Summer Supplement Award ($6,750), Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships, Purdue University, 2021
- Teaching for Tomorrow Award ($1,500), Office of the Provost, Purdue University, 2021
- Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, Honors College, Purdue University, 2020
- Excellence in Global and Community Engagement, Honors College, Purdue University, 2019
- Research Centre for Shaping Digital Citizenship and Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS-SHAPE) Fellowship ($65,000), “From Smart Campuses to Smart Cities: Democracy, Digital Citizenship, and Higher Education,” Aarhus University, 2023-24
- Lilly Charting the Future Grant ($5,000,000), “Innovation College,” lead grant writer on data ethics (PI: Jay Akridge), Purdue University, 2020
- Indiana Humanities INcommon Grant ($5,000), “Talking Race: Peer Education and Community Empowerment,” Co-PI (PI: Dr. Megha Anwer), Purdue University, 2020
- NSF Program on Fairness in Artificial Intelligence in Collaboration with Amazon grant ($216,908), “Identifying, Measuring, and Mitigating Fairness Issues in AI,” Co-PI (PI: Dr. Chris Clifton; Co-PIs: Murat Kantarcioglu; Blaise Ur; Christopher Yeomans), Purdue University, 2019
- NSF Science, Technology, and Society Program grant ($28,290), “Digital Forensics as Open Source Pedagogy” workshop, PI (Co-PI: Jason Parry), Purdue University, 2019
- Innovation Hub Teaching and Learning in an AI-Rich Environment Grant ($80,000), “Transdisciplinary Approaches to Critical Teaching With AI,” PI Team (collaborators: Daniel Guberman, Heidi Fanning, Thomas Gerrish, Lindsay Hamm, and Lakshmy Mohandas), Purdue University, 2023
- Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence Enabling Inclusion Grant ($3,500), “Data Promises and Perils in the Time of COVID,” PI (Co-PIs: Dr. Faithe Day, Dr. Danielle Walker, Dr. Risa Cromer), Purdue University, 2020
- Teaching Leadership Award Fellow ($3,000), Purdue Teaching Academy & Center for Instructional Excellence (collaborator: Dr. Megha Anwer), Purdue University, 2020
Dr. Lindsay Weinberg is a clinical associate professor in the Honors College at Purdue University, and the Director of the Tech Justice Lab. Her research and teaching are at the intersection of science and technology studies, media studies, and feminist studies, with an emphasis on the social and ethical impacts of digital technology. She is interested in the constitutive role that history and unequal power relations play in shaping the design, application, and reception of technological innovations.
Her work has appeared in Lateral, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, Impost: A Journal of Critical and Creative Work, the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, and Frontiers: International Journal of Study Abroad. Her book, Smart University: Student Surveillance in the Digital Age (John Hopkins UP, 2024) examines the proliferation of digital tools for higher education governance, and their impacts on marginalized people within and beyond the university’s walls. She has been the recipient of internal and external grants to support research, seminars, and workshops concerning the justice-related implications of digital technology, including from the National Science Foundation, the Indiana Humanities, and the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence.
Contact Info
HCRS 1072