Dr. Anish Vanaik
Clinical Associate Professor & Director of International Student Engagement

B.A. St. Stephen's College, Delhi University, M.S. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Ph.D. University of Oxford, UK
Current Course
HONR 19901 The Evolution of Ideas: Capitalism
HONR 49900 COVID-19 in Editorial Cartoons
HONR 299 Honors Mentors
Recent Publications
Possessing the City: Power and Politics in Delhi, 1911-47 (Oxford University Press, 2020)
‘Delhi’ for the Urban Studies section of Oxford Bibliographies Online, October 2020.
(co-authored with Dwaine Jengelley and Rolfe Peterson) ‘Reframing Racism: Political Cartoons in the Era of Black Lives Matter’ in Politics Groups and Identities, Vol. 6 No. 4 2018.
Popular Articles
Shelter as Capital: Housing and Commodification: Lessons from the Global South (https://www.borderlines-cssaame.org/posts/2021/2/13/shelter-as-capital-housing-and-commodification-lessons-from-the-global-south)
The Constrained Imagination of the IPCC (https://www.theindiaforum.in/article/constrained-imagination-ipcc)
I'm a historian of South Asia with a particular focus on the political economy of cities. My book Possessing the City employs insights from Marxist geographers to study the ways in which urban property relations shaped the old city of Delhi. I continue to research histories of commerce in colonial and post-colonial Delhi. Another area of interest has been portrayals of the Black Lives Matter Movement in political cartoons. I'm currently working with collaborators on a book project that takes up that very issue. Finally, I've been engaged with the issues raised by the climate crisis in a number of my classes as well as through Teachers Against the Climate Crisis - a non-funded network of faculty based largely in India.
Contact Info
HCRS 1091