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Muiris MacGiollabhuí

Clinical Assistant Professor



Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz

Current Courses

HONR 19901: Imperialism

HONR 19902: Revolution

HONR 29900: The Gilded Age in Chicago

HONR 29900: The Emerald Isle: Culture and Identity

HONR 39900: Banishment and Exile

HONR 46400: Diaspora

Recent Publications

“‘Carrying the Green Bough’ - The Exile of the United Irishmen, 1791-1807,” Yearbook of Transnational History (Spring 2019).

"Irish Liberty, Black Slavery, and the Green Atlantic: The Racial Ideology of the United Irishmen, 1791–1830" Journal of Global Slavery (Forthcoming Spring 2024)

"Petitions, Pamphleteering, and Thomas Paine: The International Networks of the Exiled United Irishmen, 1798-1800" Journal of American Ethnic History (Forthcoming, Fall 2024)


Dr. Muiris MacGiollabhuí is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the John Martinson Honors College. He completed his PhD in History at the University of California, Santa Cruz in June 2019. He teaches a wide range of classes that address many themes including diasporic movement, imperialism, and banishment/exile.

Outside of teaching, he is finishing his book project, “Disunited Irishmen: The Transnational History of the United Irishmen, 1798-1830.” This project is a transnational history of the United Irishmen which recasts them as Atlantic, rather than solely Irish, revolutionaries. It follows their exile from Ireland throughout the Atlantic World, including British Canada, the United States, Jamaica, and Latin America. By studying the exile of the United Irishmen, it is possible to ask a question that is pertinent to the late eighteenth century generally: What did it mean to be revolutionary during the “Age of Revolution”? Using the revolutionary ideology of the United Irishmen as a lens, and their exile as a case study, he will assess in this project the radicalism of the United Irishmen.

He has also begun research for a second book project: a comparative history of exile in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, which will explore the shared experiences of exile from the vantage of the Jamaican Maroons, French Acadians, Indian Tamils, and the United Irishmen.

Dr. MacGiollabhuí was born in Dublin but is a child of the Gaeltacht—the Irish-speaking area of Ireland. He has lived in North America for the past 11 years, both in Vancouver, British Columbia, and California. While his spoken Irish has diminished while away from Ireland, his love of Irish history remains. When not writing, he obsesses over his two sporting loves—Manchester United and the Edmonton Oilers. He loves cooking, cycling, and hiking, but rarely all at once. Prior to the pandemic he could be found ruining the songs of others at karaoke and playing pool."

Contact Info

Wood Hall 114